Don't Wait Decades For Our Outdated Medical System To Catch Up...

Now You Can Build a Healthier Body and Brain... From the Comfort of Home, With Full Professional Support

Test Your Hormones 

The first step to balancing your hormones 
is knowing your levels and what they mean

A woman's hormones are the back bone of her physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. 

And, chances are, if you are over the age of 35, your hormones have begun to decline.  

If you are feeling different and suspect the changes are due to perimenopause or menopause, our simple at-home Glow Female Hormone Trio test can measure key hormone levels that may be at the root cause of the symptoms you are experiencing.

What Does the GLOW Female Hormone Trio Test For?

  • Estradiol
  • Progesterone
  •  Estrogen/Progesterone Ratio
  • ​Testosterone
  • Analysis of symptoms of estrogen dominance
  • ​Analysis of symptoms of estrogen or progesterone deficiency
  • Analysis of symptoms related to androgen excess or deficiency
  • ​Analysis of symptoms related to cortisol excess or deficiency
  • ​Analysis of symptoms related to metabolic syndrome and hypometabolism

What Type of Symptoms can this test help with?

  •  Hot flashes
  • Night Sweats
  • Weight Gain
  • ​Hair Loss
  • Low Libido
  • ​Brain Fog
  • Depression/Anxiety
  • ​Vaginal Dryness
  • ​Vaginal Atrophy
  • Sarcopenia/Muscle loss
  • Osteopenia/Osteoporosis
  •  Heavy/Painful Periods
  • ​Uterine and Ovarian Fibriods/Cysts/Tumors
  • Irritability
  •  Joint Pain
  • High Cholesterol/High Blood Sugar
  • Incontinence
  • Skin thinning, rapid aging, acne 

What Does the GLOW Female Hormone Trio Test Package Include?

  •  Your Hormone Wellness Saliva kit contains saliva collection tubes, a symptoms assessment, collection instructions and a pre-paid return label (Prepaid label for US residents only*).
  • Every test comes with a personalized video review of your results so you know exactly what they mean and what you can do to improve your hormone balance.
  • Lifestyle and supplement recommendations based on your test results, as well as determining if hormone replacement is a good option for you.
*International Clients - additional shipping fees apply.

What Will My Results look like?

How long does it take to get through the program?

Answer: It depends. The GLOW Protocol is set up as a complete healing and health-building system. How long it takes to get through the program will depend on how many different dysfunctions we uncover and how deep those dysfunctions are. The average is 7 to 9 months. However, if you are on the healthier end, you may complete all of your modules in less time. Likewise, if you have a more serious condition, it could take 12 to 18 months.
When you join The GLOW Protocol, you get lifetime access. We will hold your hand for as long as it takes.
The important thing to note is that as each day, week and month goes by in The GLOW Protocol, you will be growing exponentially stronger, happier and healthier (and more attractive)!

Will I have to travel to get my lab work and assessments done?

Answer: No. Through cutting-edge technology and our partnerships with nationwide and international functional medicine laboratories, you can complete all of your assessments and the majority of your lab work from the comfort of your own home. Many of the functional medicine labs use urine, stool, saliva, hair and dried blood spot - which can be easily collected conveniently in the privacy of your own home and shipped to the lab for analysis. We take care of all the arrangements as part of your GLOW Protocol membership. If blood work is needed, we will direct you to a blood draw location in your hometown or send a mobile phlebotomist to your home. This saves you time, money, and makes getting your tests done easy and effortless.

Is it confusing? I tend to get lost in online programs

Answer: I have made The GLOW Protocol simple, yet effective. And to ensure your success, I have set it up so that I personally review your intake assessments and recommend labs. You'll have access to weekly coaching calls to answer questions and keep you on track, as well as a private Facebook group where you can ask questions. And you'll always have a direct line to me and my team through our private community and GLOW Natural Wellness App.

Are supplements recommended or included in the program?

Answer: Dr. Michelle does recommend supplements as part of her program. However, these are certainly not required. As a general rule, you can plan for about $100-200 in supplement costs per month. Be assured that the supplements suggested in the program are only supplements that Dr. Michelle recommends. However, please note that many supplements are short-term therapeutic protocols and will not be needed in the long term.

Is there a certain time or date this program will start?

Answer:  Dr. Michelle's GLOW Protocol is set up so it can be done ENTIRELY at your own pace. This means you can sign up and start at any time. 

Does this program work?

Answer:  YES! We have a 98% success rate. This program is Dr. Michelle's philosophy and the protocols she uses for all of her one-on-one coaching clients. 

Frequently Asked Questions